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Find Outliers in Cloud Datasets

Now you can find outliers and anomalies in live Cloud datasets in three different ways with the "FindOutliersinCloudDatasets.xlsm" template. Use the power of an OData Feed to connect to and query desired fields from live datasets on the web onto your worksheet. Or, edit the available PowerQuery source code in this template to connect to and query a .csv or .txt datafile residing on OneDrive or another Cloud storage platform. You will also have a choice of connecting to and querying your data into a ready-to-use pivot table or directly onto a worksheet. Each of the three options provided in this template allows for you to click a button, create a connection, query your data, and then delete your connection and data to start from scratch again. Then, you can use a Box & Whisker Plot Template to do outlier and anomaly detection.


You may need to do the following before using this or any template in this Store:

- Enable or disable macros in Microsoft 365 files
- Unblock macros from downloaded files

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