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Interactive Statistics Education AddIn

Receive custom, on-screen message alerts with the Interactive Statistics Education AddIn when you select a column of data (excluding the column heading) in "Column A" on "Sheet1" of your Excel workbook to create a full outliers and descriptive statistics analysis report. 

- all key descriptive statistics (eg. Standard Deviation, Mean, Variance, Percentiles)
- whether your data is positively or negatively skewed or normally distributed
- which values in your dataset are statistically high or low outliers

- the R and R-squared statistics to summarize a positive, neutral or negative trend
- the # of bins and interval width for building a histogram of your data
- an actual histogram of your data for isolating outlier values

- a scatterplot of your data to identify trends and outliers

- a box & whisker plot diagram to visualize statistically high or low outlier data points


The Interactive Statistics Education AddIn let's you quickly learn statistical analysis in any Excel workbook. Purchase and download this Interactive Statistics Education AddIn, and then add it to your Excel workbooks the same way you do the Data Analysis Toolpak Excel AddIn.


You may need to do the following before using any templates:

- Enable or disable macros in Microsoft 365 files
- Unblock macros from downloaded files


Select "Outlier Analysis" beside the "Help" menu tab at the top of your Excel workbook. Click the "Find Outliers" icon, select your column of data, and then wait for your results: a new column of data indicating values that are statistically too high (High Outlier) or too low (Low Outlier) based on the statistical theory of the box & whisker plot.

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