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FREE Outlier and Anomaly Detection Code

Use this free outlier and anomaly detection code to find, flag and visualize outliers and anomalies. Run this free outlier analysis macro with Python, R or other programming languages. Or use the outlier analysis function as a formula in a spreadsheet. The anomaly detection code applies box & whisker plot anomaly detection theory using key descriptive statistics: 75th percentile (HIGHQ), 25th percentile (LOWQ), Interquartile Range (IQR). The top (UPPER) and bottom (LOWER) box plot whiskers are calculated. Any data values greater than UPPER or less than LOWER are outliers. A message box pop-ups to summarize which data values are outliers. FREE Outlier and Anomaly Detection Template and Video runs this code. It completes Steps-1-4 of the Free Step-by-Step Outlier Analysis Tutorial.

Option Explicit

Option Base 1

Sub mcrOutlierAnomalyDetection()

'Free outlier and anomaly detection code.

Dim wsStatistics As Worksheet

Dim data As Range

Dim Outlier_Data As Range

Dim HIGHQ As Integer

Dim LOWQ As Integer

Dim IQR As Integer

Dim UPPER As Integer

Dim LOWER As Integer

Set Outlier_Data = Application.InputBox( _ Title:="Find outliers and anomalies in data", _ Prompt:="Select your data", _ Type:=8) Outlier_Data.Select On Error GoTo 0

HIGHQ = WorksheetFunction.Percentile(Outlier_Data, 0.75)

LOWQ = WorksheetFunction.Percentile(Outlier_Data, 0.25)


UPPER = HIGHQ + 1.5 * (IQR)

LOWER = LOWQ - 1.5 * (IQR)

For Each data In Outlier_Data

   data.Offset(0, 1).Value = findOutlier(data, UPPER, LOWER, HIGHQ, LOWQ)

      If data.Offset(0, 1).Value = "High Outlier" Then

         data.Offset(0, 1).Interior.Color = 65535

         data.Offset(0, 1).Font.Color = -16776961

       Else data.Offset(0, 1).Font.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)

     End If

Next data

With wsStatistics.Range("F1")

 .Offset(0, 0).Value = "Outlier Flag"

End With

With wsStatistics.Range("J1")

 .Offset(1, 0).Value = "UPPER"

 .Offset(1, 1).Value = UPPER

 .Offset(2, 0).Value = "LOWER"

 .Offset(2, 1).Value = LOWER

 .Offset(3, 0).Value = "IQR"

 .Offset(3, 1).Value = IQR

 .Offset(4, 0).Value = "HIGHQ"

 .Offset(4, 1).Value = HIGHQ

 .Offset(5, 0).Value = "LOWQ"

 .Offset(5, 1).Value = LOWQ

End With

 MsgBox "Any data value that is greater than " & UPPER & " or less than " &   LOWER & " is a

 statistical outlier.", vbCritical, "Outlier Analysis Conclusion"

End Sub

Function findOutlier(data As Range, UPPER As Integer, LOWER As Integer, HIGHQ As Integer, LOWQ As Integer) As String

  If data.Value > UPPER Then

    findOutlier = "High Outlier"

  ElseIf data.Value < LOWER Then

    findOutlier = "Low Outlier"

  ElseIf dataValue > HIGHQ And data.Value < UPPER Then

    findOutlier = "High"

  ElseIf data.Value < LOWQ And data.Value > LOWER Then

    findOutlier = "Low" Else findOutlier = "Normal"

  End If

End Function

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